Tal vs. Van der Wiel
Moscow Interzonal 1982
English Opening
1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6 3 Nf3 b6 4 e4 Bb7 5 Bd3 White intends to form a powerful centre
by Bc2 and d4, so Black must react quickly. 5…c5 6 0-0 Nc6 7 e5 Ng4 8
Be4 Qc8?! Current theory prefers 8…f5 9 exf6 Nxf6 10 Bxc6 Bxc6 11 d4
Bxf3 12 Qxf3 cxd4 13 Nb5 with roughly equal position. 9 d3
After 9 d3
9…Ngxe5 It
is risky to accept. 9…f5 10 exf6 Nxf6 11 Bf4 Be7 12 Nb5 0-0 13 Bd6 Qd8!? is
safer, with at worst a slight disadvantage. 10 Nxe5 Nxe5 11 f4 Black’s
king is still far from safety. 11…Nc6?! 11…Bxe4 12 Nxe4 Nc6 13
f5 Be7 is better; White has a dangerous attack, but nothing clear-cut. 12
f5 g6?! 12…Be7?! Is similarly dubious, e.g. 13 Qg4 Bf6 14 Nb5 0-0 15
fxe6 fxe6 16 Qh3 g6 (16…h6 17 Bxh6) 17 Bh6 Bg7 18 Bxg7 Kxg7 19 Nd6 Qc7 20 Nf7!
Rxf7 21 Rxf7+ Kxf7 22 Qxh7+ and wins. 12…Nd4 is the best chance, but even then
13 Qh5 Bxe4 14 Nxe4 exf5 15 Bg5 h6 16 Rae1 Ne6 17 Bh4 gives White a very
strong attack. 13 Bg5 gxf5
After 13...gxf5
14 Bxf5! Be7? The only chance was 14…exf5, but after 15 Qe2+ Ne7 16 Rae1
Rg8 17 Bxe7 Rxg2+ 18 Qxg2 Bxg2 19 Bh4+ Be4 20 Nxe4 fxe4 21 Rxe4+ Be7 22 Rxe7+
Kd8 23 Rfxf7 Kc7 24 Bg3+ Kc6 25 Rxh7 Qd8 26 Rhg7 Black is tied up and can
hardly oppose the advance of White’s h-pawn. 15 Qh5 Decisive. 15…Bxg5 15…exf5
16 Rae1 Kd8 17 Nd5 wins. 16 Wxg5 Ne7 16…exf5 17 Rae1+ Kf8 18
Qh6+ Kg8 19 Nd5 and 16…Qc7 17 Nb5 Qb8 18 Bxh7 a6 19 Rxf7! Are hopeless. 17
Be4 Threatening 18 Nb5. 17…Bxe4 18 Nxe4 Qc6
After 18...Qc6
19 Rxf7! An
attractive finish. 19…Kxf7 20 Qf6+ Kg8 21 Qxe7 Rf8 22 Rf1! 1-0
Source from:
GAMBIT: John Nunn’s 101 Brilliant Chess Miniatures (Page 52)
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