Ivanchuk vs. Csom
Erevan 1989
Nimzo-Indian Defense, 4 f3
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc6 Bb4
4 f3 c5 5 d5 Bxc3+ If Black is going to play …Nh5, he should do so straight
away. 6 bxc3 Nh5 An attempt to exploit the weakening created
by f3. 7 g3 Cutting out the check on h4. 7…f5 8 e4 f4
9 dxe6 The sharpest line. 9 Bxf4 and 9 Ne2 are also playable. 9…fxg3?
After 9...fxg3?
A tempting but incorrect
move. 9…qf6 10 Ne2 fxg3 11 Bg2 is better, although theory gives White the edge
here too. It may well be that Black cannot justify his attempt to seize the
initiative at such an early stage. 10 Qd5! g2 10…Nf6 11 Qxc5
g2 12 Bxg2 dxe6 13 Ne2 favours White, while 10…Qh4 11 Bg5 g2+ 11 Bxh4 gxh1Q
loses to 13 Qxh5+ g6 14 Qe5. 11 Qxh5+! 11 Bxg2 Qh4+ 12 Kf1
also favours White, but the text-move is even stronger. 11…g6 12 Qe5
Qh4+ 13 Ke2 gxh1Q
After 13...gxh1Q
14 Qxh8+ Ke7 15 Qg7+ Kxe6 Or 15…Kd6 16 Qf8+ Kc6 (16…Kxe6 17 Bh3+ Qxh3 18 Qg8+ Kd6 19
Bf4+ Ke7 20 Bg5+ Kd6 21 Rd1+ mates) 17 Qxc8+ Kd6 18 Qf8+ Kc6 19 Bf4 and
wins. 16 Bh3+ Kd6 16…Qxh3+ 17 Qg8+ transposes to previous
note. 17 Qf8+ Kc7
After 17...Kc7
17…Kc6 18 Qxc8+ Kd6 19 Qf8+ Kc6 20 Bf4 Kb6 21 Rb1+ Ka6 22 Qc8
mates. 18 Bf4+ Black is forced to surrender a queen to avoid
being mated. 18…Qxf4 18…Kb6 19 Rb1+ Ka6 20 Qxc8 transposes
into the note to Black’s 17th. 19 Qxf4+ d6 Material
equality has been restored, but Black is dead lost. 20 Rd1 First
White goes for the king… 20…Nc6 21 Qxd6+ Kb6 22 Qg3 …and now
returns for the queen. There is no way to meet the threats of 23 Bg2 and 23
Bxc8 Rxc8 24 Nh3. 22…h5 23 Bxc8 Rxc8 24 Nh3 h4 25 Qf2 1-0
Source from:
GAMBIT: John Nunn’s 101 Brilliant Chess Miniatures (Page 86)
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