Timman vs. Korchnoi
Tilburg 1991
French Defense, 3…dxe4
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Nf3 Ngf6 6 Bg5 Be7 7
Nxf6+ Bxf6 8 h4 This line offers
White chances of a slight advantage. 8…c5 The solid but boring
8…0-0 9 Qd2 e5 gives Black a better chances of equality. 9 Qd2 cxd4 White
can retain a faint edge after other moves too, e.g. 9…0-0 10 0-0-0 cxd4 11 Nxd4
or 9…h6 10 Bxf6 Qxf6 11 0-0-0. 10 0-0-0 e5
After 10...e5
This moves looks greed, but it is not a mistake. Korchnoi wants
to make White work a bit to regain the previous note. 11 Re1 0-0 11…Qb6
12 Bxf6 Qxf6 13 Qxd4 0-0 14 Nxe5 Nxe5 15 Rxe5 gives White a useful extra tempo
over the following note. 12 Nxe5 Re8?
After 12...Re8?
A tactical error. Black could justified his strategy by 12…Nxe5
13 Rxe5 Be6 14 Bxf6 Qxf6 15 Qxd4 Rfd8! 16 Qe3 Rac8, with enough play for the
sacrificed pawn. 13…Rxe1+ Forced, because 13…Kxf7 14 Bc4+ Kf8
(14…Kg6 15 h5+ Kf5 16 Qf4#) 15 Rxe8+ Qxe8 16 Re1 Ne5 (or else 17 Qb4+) 17 Bxf6
gxf6 18 Qh6+ Ke7 19 Qg7+ wins for White. 14 Qxe1 Kxf7 15 Bc4+ Kf8 16
Qe6 Bxg5+ 16…Ne5 17 Qg8+ Ke7 18 Qxg7+ wins. 17 hxg5 Qxg5+ 18
Kb1 Ne5 Or 18…Qf6 19 Qg8+ Ke7 20 Re1+ Ne5 21 Qd5! And wins. 19
Qg8+ Ke7
After 19...Ke7
20 Re1! Threatening
21 Qd5. 20…Bd7 Black is forced to jettison material, as 20…h6
21 Qd5 Kf6 22 Qd6+ leads to mate. 21 Qxa8 Wd2 22 Rxe5+ Kf6 23 a3 Simplest.
White emerges a piece up. 23…Kxe5 24 Qb8+ Kf5 Both 24…Ke4 25
Qxb7+ and 24...Kf6 25 Qd8+ drop a piece. 25 Qf8+ 1-0 As 25…Kg6
26 Qf7+ again wins the bishop.
Source from:
GAMBIT: John Nunn’s 101 Brilliant Chess Miniatures (Page 99)
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