Vaganian vs. Kupreichik
USSR Ch, Leningrad 1974
Trompowsky Attack
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5 3 d5 A sharp alternative to the more positional 3 Bxf6. 3…Qb6 This
must be the critical test of 3 d5 as White is forced to sacrifice his
b-pawn. 4 Nc3 Qxb2 5 Bd2 Qb6 6 e4 d6 An alternative idea is to
block the centre by 6…e5, e.g. 7 f4 d6 8 fxe5 dxe5 9 Nf3 Nbd7 with unclear
play. 7 f4 g6?
After 7...g6?
It is a mistake to allow White to break through in the centre.
Black should have put up a fight for the e5-square by 7…Nbd7 8 Nf3
Qc7. 8 e5 An early central advance can sometimes rebound on
the attacker, but not here as White has a lead in development to back up his
aggression. 8…dxe5 8…Nfd7 9 Nf3 Bg7 10 Rb1 Qd8 11 e6
fxe6 12 Ng5 gives White a similarly vicious attack. 9 fxe5 Nfd7
10 Nf3 Bg7 11 Rb1 Qd8 12 e6! White strikes quickly before Black can
castle. 12…fxe6 13 Ng5!
After 13 Ng5!
The advancing pawns have torn holes in Black’s defenses;
now the heavier pieces move up to exploit the weaknesses. 13…Nf6 14
Bb5+ Kf8 A sad necessity, as interposing on d7 allows 15 Nxe6. 15
dxe6 a6?! 15…Qd4 would have been a better chance, but even so , the
position after 16 Ne2 Qd5 17 0-0 is very unpleasant for Black. 16 Be3!
Qa5 Or 16…Qc7 17 Bc4 b5 18 Bd5 Nc6 19 0-0 Bb7 20 Nce4 with an enormous
initiative. 17 0-0
After 17 0-0
White’s attack is so strong that he can afford to offer the
bishop. 17…h6 17…axb5 loses to 18 Rxb5 Qc7 19 Nd5 Qe5 20
Bxc5. 18 Qd3 Exploiting Black’s new weakness at g6. 18…Kg8
19 Qxg6 Bxe6 20 Nxe6 Rh7 21 Rxf6 Nd7 22 Bxd7 1-0 It’s quite nice to
take three enemy pieces on consecutive moves without any reprisal.
Source from:
GAMBIT: John Nunn’s 101 Brilliant Chess Miniatures (Page 26)
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ReplyDeletetrompowsky corporate
You're most welcome Nathanael.