Adams vs. Tiviakov
PCA Candidates (2), New York 1994
Sicilian Defense, Moscow Variation
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 Bb5+ Nc6
4 0-0 Bg4?! 4…Bd7 is the most common alternative. 5 h3 Bh5 6 c3 Qb6 7
Na3 a6 8 ba4 8 Be2 is also promising. 8…Qc7 9 d4 b5?!
After 9...b5?!
Consistent, but the
sacrifice that this invites turns out to be good for White. 10 Nxb5! axb5
11 Bxb5 0-0-0 11Qb6 12 a4 does not help as Black is forced to castle
in any case. 12 b4! A powerful novelty. 12 Qa4 Nb8 13 dxc5
Bxf3 14 gxf3 dxc5 led to a draw in Iskov-Larnsen, Copenhagen 1979. Adam’s move
is stronger since it opens more lines in the queenside. 12…Bxf3 13
After 13 gxf3!
The queen is heading for
a4. 13…Nb8 Not 13…cxb4? 14 cxb4 Nxb4 15 Qa4 Qc3 16 Qa8+
Kc7 17 Qa7+ Kc8 18 Bd2 and wins. 14 Qa4 White delays
exchanging pawns on c5, in order to cut out the defensive resource …Rd6. 14…c4 A
desperate attempt to keep the queenside files closed. 14…e6 loses to 15 bxc5
dxc5 16 Rb1 Rd6 (or else 17 Ba6+ wins) 17 Bf4. 15 d5! Nf6 Or
15…e5 16 Bc6 Nxc6 (16…Ne7 17 b5) 17 dxc6 Ne7 18 b5 with a winning attack. 16
Be3 Nfd7 16…e6 17 Bc6 is similar. 17 Bc6 e6 18 b5 The
noose tightens. 18…exd5 19 exd5 Nb6 19…Nc5 20 Qa8 h5 21 Rfb1
Qb6 22 a4 and 19…Nxc6 20 bxc6 Nb8 21 Rab1 are hopeless. 20 Qb4
After 20 Qb4
With the simple threat of a4-a5. 20…Be7 20…Nxc6
21 bxc6 Nxd5 loses to 22 Qa4. 21 a4 Bf6 22 a5 Nxc6 23 bxc6 Nxd5 24 Qb5
Rde8 24…Nxc3 25 Qa6+ Kb8 26 Rab1+ mates. 25 Bb6 1-0 As
25…Nxb6 (25…Qe7 26 Qa6+ Kb8 27 Bc7+! mates in a few moves) 26 axb6 Qb8 27 Qa6+
is decisive.
Source from:
GAMBIT: John Nunn’s 101
Brilliant Chess Miniatures (Page 129)
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